Back in February 2020 a fellow DJ and vinyl collector, Tom B, invited me to come and spin
at the March edition of his legendary Avenida Brasil party, the longest running BR-themed
party in Paris. He had challenged me to also create a live set on my MPC, specifically made
for that night. Unfortunately a few weeks later everything was cancelled (Corona). Still, I
decided to keep on making beats while sampling Brazilian records I had with me and
weeks later this album was born… It is the most personal album yet, it is an homage to my
family’s Brazilian heritage and a dedication to my mother.
Some of my very first music memories when still a small child living in Zagreb, where I was born to a
Portuguese mother (who grew up in Rio de Janeiro) and a Croatian father, were the many faces of
MPB artists “smiling” at me from the covers of my mother’s vinyl collection. I grew up listening to
Chico Buarque, Elis Regina, Caetano Veloso, Milton Nascimento - the stars in the collection - but also
to other, now less known but very important artists whose brilliant music my mother collected
during a period at the beginning of the 70s. This collection of 10” records called “História Da Música
Popular Brasileira” was at the time released as a collectible series by Edições Abril and was
distributed and sold to the public at many newspaper stands all over Brazil. My mom, Nazaré, being
a true music lover bought as many as she could at the time. Some years after when her family was
moving back from Brazil to native Portugal, the full collection travelled by boat with her. The same
happened later when she married my dad and moved to Zagreb. Another journey the records had to
make was when we all moved to Lisbon in 1992, with a one year stop in Rome.
Now, I am very happy to have them with me here in Amsterdam. They are part of my family's multicultural
heritage and living proof that great music can stand the test of time.
Bless, RM