
01 Improvvisazione per otto play button
02 Trio di fiati play button
03 String quartet play button
04 Improvvisazione per cinque play button
05 Quartetto play button
06 Trio per violoncello, tromba
e lastra di cristallo
07 RKBA 1675 / I
08 Cantata

Up until now all the works have been the fruit of a composer and that this «open» form was in reality
still «closed» to a still greater opening.
It was the presence in Rome of one of its principal members, the composer Larry Austin, that encouraged
the formation of the IMPROVISATION GROUP OF THE NUOVA CONSONANZA, which is the
only group in Europe formed exclusively of Composers.
The members of this group intercalate the instruments into various formations, from a minimum of two
instruments, to a total formation. The essential element of the group is a sense of good understanding,
which is the base for finding a fertile field first for discussion and then for performance.
This is the first time in the history of western music that more than one composer get together playing
various instruments, where the result is no longer the result o f an individual effort but of a joint effort.
For all this, it is clear that the GROUP makes an effort to surmount the limits of this system, and despite
these limits, in some cases, gives glimpses of new horizons, of a new system, with the use of new instruments.
The continual invention of timbres, and also the use of some electronic effects, for example
the use of voices as impulse-phonemons, puts the group in a position of actuality, where contemporary
composers of subjective vision have yet to arrive.
All the pieces in this collection are absolutely «improvised» and are not the result of «editing». The
most interesting thing is that the actual duration of the piece for the listener is the same as that taken
for its production, that is an «effort» of few minutes. The art of improvisation is fascinating and this way
of «composing together» results in an internal and external tension of great sensitivity, and I think that
this is the only magic still possible in the music of to-day, no longer written, and completely deprived of
all myth in front of that personage once called Author.